Q – What is travel soccer and how is it different from in-house, recreation soccer?
A – OSA Fire travel soccer is targeted at players whose skills and inclinations suggest participation in a more competitive environment. Players must try out for and make a travel team, whereas, subject to space limitations, all players who sign up for recreation soccer participate.
Q – Does OSA Fire require their players to play in-house soccer as a prerequisite to participation in the travel soccer program?
A – No, however, each child may continue in-house play. Because participating in both recreational and travel soccer typically means five or more soccer events (training sessions or matches) per week, virtually all players opt to player either in the in-house program or in the travel program but not both.
Q – If our child makes a travel team, when do we have to decide if he or she is playing in-house soccer?
A – Parents must notify their travel coach whether they are playing in-house soccer at the conclusion of the travel tryouts.
Q – Must my child register for recreation soccer if they plan to play travel soccer only?
A – No. Registration for travel try-outs is required, although free. Accepted players will be invited by their teams to register after acceptance. Players who are not selected to a travel team will be notified and will be invited to register for in-house play.
Q – Are the age groups for travel soccer different than those for recreation soccer?
A – Yes. Commencing with the Fall 2016 season, the age determination date for travel play will be January 1st. Travel teams tend to play in single year age groupings as much as possible. The groupings for recreational play are, currently U6, U8, U10, U12, and U14.
Q – How many travel teams does OSA Fire field?
A – If sufficient registration and talent permit and if volunteers are available, OSA Fire will field boys and girls teams in U10/11 through U19 leagues.
Q – When do tryouts occur?
A – Team tryouts generally run in early May. Teams endeavor to complete all tryouts on or before the end of the public school year.
Q – Must my child have to attend all the tryout sessions to be eligible for the team?
A – Although we understand that many players are involved in other activities during tryout season, attendance at one half or more of the scheduled tryouts is required. Any exceptions to this rule must be approved by both the travel coordinator. and the leadership for the individual team The more tryout sessions attended, the better the chance to properly evaluate the player.
Q – How many players are kept on each team?
A – Depending on registration and talent levels, the Under 12 and below teams (playing either 9v9 or 7v7 on a small field) will generally keep 11-13 players. The Under 13 and above teams (playing 11v11 soccer on a regular field) generally keep 15-18 players.
Q – Who picks the teams? What skills are evaluated by the coaches?
A – The coaches for a particular age group are responsible for evaluating the players and choosing the team. Players are evaluated on their soccer skills, fitness, agility, team play, cooperation and attentiveness.
Q – When are team determinations made?
A – Typically, team determinations are made on or before Memorial Day and in some cases earlier, within days of the team's last try-out.
Q – How often do the travel teams practice and when do practices start?
A – Practice frequency is left to the discretion of the coaches. Most teams begin meeting over the summer, with the frequency picking up in August. In season, teams typically meet for two practices per week and one, possibly two games per weekend.
Q – When does the season start?
A – Most teams play in weekend tournaments in late August. Weekend league games typically start the weekend after Labor Day.
Q – How much travel is involved?
A – OSA Fire teams participate in the Skyline League which puts most traveling in Central Virginia. Approximately half of a team’s matches are home. Most travel for away games is within an hours drive. All age group teams will enter one out of town tournament where weekend travel is required. Older age groups will, generally, enter two tournaments per season.
Q – How much does it cost to play travel soccer?
A – In addition to ordinary program registration fees ($300 per player per season), players must buy uniforms (approximately $85-$105; uniforms are good for two years). Additional costs per team depend on the number and location of tournaments played. One tournament is included with a players registration. Excluding any out of town travel expenses. Payment options are available.
Q – Is my child guaranteed to play at least a half of a game as they are in recreation soccer?
A – We encourage all travel coaches to be sensitive to the mission of OSA Soccer. Each coach is given suggested guidelines, but the amount of playing time for travel players is not guaranteed at U13 and above.
Q – My child is an accomplished player, and is good enough to make a team in an older age group. Are they allowed to play up for an older OSA Fire age group?
A – Although we recognize that some players could make an older age group team, the Program encourages players to stay within their age group.
Q – How soon after registration will we be called about travel tryouts?
A – Travel coaches will contact interested players prior to tryouts. The Program will make every effort to post the tryout dates and times on the Program’s web site promptly after the same are established.
Q – I’ve heard that my child will need a picture identification card. How do I get one?
A – All players who participate in travel soccer need an identification card. Teams will make registration information available to players.
Q – What if I have other questions?
A – You can e-mail questions to
[email protected].